This chunky, smoky salsa tastes amazing with tortilla chips. Roasted tomatoes, garlic, onion and jalapeno are blended with cilantro and cumin to create one of the tastiest and easiest Mexican-inspired...
A tasty twist to salsa; great served over cream cheese with tortilla chips or crackers! A great way to save those green tomatoes when there is an early frost. I created this recipe with the assistance...
This is a yummy Texas caviar made with black beans and pinto beans instead of black-eyed peas. Serve with scoop-style tortilla chips as a great party appetizer.
This is a very tasty mango salsa that is great served over fish. My favorite is any fish blackened with Cajun seasoning and then topped with this salsa. Also great for dipping chips.
I love salsa. I always make it. I made this one and brought it to work. Everyone raved. It is the best salsa I have ever had. The jicama really makes a difference.
A great way to use all those cucumbers you get from your plants! A little zing from the jalapeno and a burst of lime add a fresh taste to cucumbers in this refreshing fresh salsa.
This fruity and spicy salsa is yummy on just about everything from chips to barbequed chicken, tacos, and even tofu! By the way, pineapple mojitos are a great accompaniment!
This gorgeous salsa would shine on any big-game snack table. The fire-roasting brings out a tremendous amount of flavor and provides just the right touch of smoky goodness. I'm sure your friends are more...
This is my favorite salsa to go with summer grilling! Have served this for guests and family and everyone loves it! Serve with grilled chicken breast, fish, or pork.
It has taken me years to perfect this recipe. Los Cucos is my favorite TexMex restaurant in Houston, and I used to eat there every 2 weeks, just so I would order a pint of red salsa to go to take home...
This has to be my favorite summer salsa. It's colorful and fresh tasting. It makes a bunch, so invite some friends over. I like to take the lime after it's been juiced and rub down the bowl I will be serving...
I love this salsa! It makes for a perfect summer appetizer. I particularly like that it has black beans for extra protein. When served over grilled chicken, it is even better.
This addictive salsa is restaurant quality, or maybe even better! It's fresh and flavorful, not too spicy, and easy to make in a food processor with a mix of ripe and canned Roma tomatoes. This makes a...
This salsa is quick and easy to make. It's colorful and most important, it's delicious! Whenever I take it to a party, I bring the recipe along because I'm always asked for it. Serve with tortilla chips;...
Yowzers! Sweet and hot salsa with tangy mangoes and habaneros. Great with pork, chicken or fish or just with chips. You can omit the habaneros and add red bell peppers for a non-spicy version, but then...
This recipe is bursting with flavor! It is fresh and spicy, and did I mention easy? This is the closest thing to restaurant style salsa you will find. The jalapenos and hot pepper sauce (e.g., Tabasco)...
My neighbor introduced me to this cool dish that can stand alone as an easy side dish or tastes great with chicken made up as fajitas. This is a recipe that can be altered to use up other fruits you have...
This spectacularly simple green sauce may be the perfect summer condiment. It requires no cooking, only takes 10 to 15 minutes to make, looks gorgeous, and tastes amazing with anything grilled and most...
Fresh tomato salsa is excellent with just chips and salsa for an appetizer or a perfect compliment to any Mexican dish. Adjust to personal taste with salt, pepper, and ground cumin. Add 1 additional serrano...
My sister inspired me to make a green salsa similar to how you would make one by roasting tomatillos, but using all green tomatoes instead. This is a tangy and fresh tasting salsa using fresh lime juice...
A tangy fresh Colombian-style salsa which can be made delicious either mild or XXX hot! Goes great with grilled meats, empanadas, and tostones, but I put it on everything... even my eggs! There seem to...
Lime juice combined with avocados and corn make this yummy salsa go well with plain tortilla chips or with grilled chicken. Make just before serving for the best flavor and texture.
An easy, quick and delicious recipe that you can make with items you more than likely have. This corn salsa is so versatile that it can be served as a dip or as a cold side dish.
Looking for a refreshing salsa for a warm summer evening? This is our favorite. Serve with tortilla chips. This is also fantastic served on white fish. I often use a canned jalapeno instead of fresh.
Pebre is a Chilean salsa and is most commonly used on bread. It is also used on meats or anything else you desire. My favorite way to use it is on barbecued tri-tip. You can vary the ingredients to suit...
A fresh, easy way to use up your garden tomatoes. Mix and match different varieties of tomatoes for this salsa. It will keep well for several days in the refrigerator.